How to start with CROSSFIT

Posted On: 2021-09-02

Categories: Rainbowsocks blog

Author: Gosia

Dead on your feet? That’s just for starters! Although it looks like fun … Sculpted bodies, equipment resembling a spartan gym and all the chocolate protein bars they promised you after completing your first WOD. Now? Sweat and pain. So how to start with crossfit to avoid getting hurt and disappointed after the very first training session?

Girl doing workout in ABS sport socks

Let us explain  – we were right there, too!

Grab your sweat-wicking clothes, a full bottle of water, a towel and some fancy sport socks. Join us at a crossfit session! What does it take to survive your first Workout of the Day or WOD? Brace yourself and learn some basics at home! What’s the first rule? Smile! If you are dead tired and miserable, a broad grin really helps a lot. :) 

How to start crossfit without losing your dignity?

If you see a gym full of exhausted people drowning in sweat and you wonder who’s punishing them … you are probably sane still. But hey, that beach bod doesn’t sculpt itself! Should you care for muscles or your own comfort and health? The simple solution to this dilemma is a well-known balance – benefit from exercising, but don’t die trying to satisfy unrealistic expectations. Learn how to start with crossfit from fellow beginners – the Rainbowsocks crew!

People sitting at the gym, discussing how to start crossfit.What are the 3 crossfit principles?

  1. A crossfit hall does not look like a typical gym – the place is usually equipped with some rather unusual instruments. They are supposed to make you stronger but, honestly … the whole setup may scare the bejeezus out of you before you even start. Hangers, boxes, baseball bats and … more. Don’t run away – they (and you!) are here for … fun!
  2. You do not just ‘train’ – you do your WOD, which stands for ‘Workout of the Day’. The exercises are usually written down on a blackboard and are explained by the coach beforehand. They look friendly, but you should not cheer too soon – taken together, they are KILLERS. Technically simple, effective but meant to get a super sweat going. The important thing, though, is not to get carried away – if you feel any ‘weird’, sharp pain that is not related to your poor fitness level, do not hesitate to stop. Be reasonable!
  3. Turn on hero mode – style-wise! All crossfitters are dressed colourfully. Reduce FOMO and pick up your favourite non-slip sport socks – fashionable and designed for those who love being active. The professional ABS layer makes them perfect for shoeless training, and the vivid colours match sports apparel more than any random cotton socks from the bottom of your drawer.

Ready, dressed and warmed up? Let’s check it out! Before you go for your first ever crossfit session, complete a Rainbowsocks WOD and find out if you can hack it – consider yourself challenged!

Crossfit – what you need is a training buddy.

Starter’s kit – Rainbow WOD for crossfit beginners
Below, you will find a list of exercises. You can share your experience in an Instastory – do not forget to tag us and challenge your favourite gym buddy!

Rainbow WOD 3 rounds – as fast as you can!

  1. Lunge with a twist - 10 x each leg
  2. 10 x box jump (a box can be replaced by any other object)
  3. 15 x kettlebell swing

Rainbow WOD - 3 rounds

Done? Congratulations, give yourself a pat on the back! You are ready to take up a real challenge – a serious WOD with serious CROSSFIT PEOPLE. Good luck – send us some pics!

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