Find your method of folding socks!

Burger Socks Box

Posted On: 2023-06-15

Categories: Rainbowsocks blog

Some might say that folding a pair of socks is not rocket science. Well, it is not, everyone can do it, but it does not mean that your socks have to be boringly stuffed in your drawer.

In Rainbow Socks, we hate dullness and monotony. That’s why we constantly come up with new ideas to fold socks. If you promise that you try them out, we can share some of them with you. One thing is guaranteed, you will never want to have your socks folded in a regular way!

Learn four ways to fold socks that are easy, yet showy!

1. Rectangles and squares

First things first - let’s learn how to fold socks quickly and easily. Rectangles and squares are perfect for socks-folding beginners.
You only need to place one sock on top of the other and fold them in half. Easy enough, right? Well, that might not save them from getting separated and lost.

Try this - instead of putting one sock on the other parallelly, do this perpendicularly. Tuck the bottom and top parts in and your square socks are done.

A pile of Rainbow socks in a rectangle form on a plate.

2. Triangles

If you’re ready to fold your socks into something more fancy than a square, we suggest triangles. They look good, keep your socks organized and are just perfect for certain pairs - like our pizza slicescheese pieces or cheesecakes.

We are certain that your day will get better once you open the socks drawer and look at a piece of tasty pizza or your favourite cake. A side effect? You might get hungry.

A pizza box with socks shaped into pizza slices next to a book and a photo album.

3. Sock balls

If you’re looking for some quick method to keep your socks in line and prevent them from getting lost, we have something just right. Our suggestion is to fold socks into little balls. They will look great, you will have them sorted and in place, and they won’t take up much space. What else is there to expect from a pair of socks? Look at our socks, like ice cream ones, for a little bit of inspiration, and start rolling your pairs.

Three people holding ice cream socks from Rainbow Socks.

4. Circles

Circles, or rather little rollers, are definitely unusual socks shapes, but great for those who like to stay off the beaten track. You can roll your socks and place them in line in your drawer to have everything neatly organized. What’s more, if you choose our rolled-up socks, like the sushi ones, they can express your individual style, look great in a drawer and keep your spirits up every day.

A man holding a sushi sock with chopsticks next to his eye.

There are many ways to fold and store socks, but no one said you need to keep it ordinary. Use our ideas to keep your socks in a drawer in an organized but fun way. Folding socks in one of the above ways will not take you much more time than regular laundry folding, so just give it a try. Your socks deserve it, our Rainbow Socks team knows it better than anyone else!

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